Hi, I hope you are able to do this. My idea would be something of a mixed wrestling match, but instead of wrestling, the male and female are there to see who can make the other one orgasm first. Both are undefeated. The only rule is you have to stay over their clothes.
Here’s sort of the concept I’m looking for:
They each enter the room and strip down. The girl is in a bra and short shorts. The male is in briefs. They take turns putting on a little show for the other one as they stretch and get ready. This is a pure competition to them. They come together and have a stare down and trash talk. Then they get to their knees, standing about a foot apart, and each use their hands and run them all over the other person’s body, slowly turning them on as their keep staring at each other.

The models should act like its a back-and-forth battle of wills. Eventually they both bring a hand to the other’s crotch and start working them over their clothes, still while staring at each other with their game faces. They trash talk more as they turn each other on, each waiting to see who will break first. The guy brags about what a legend he is, how no woman has ever resisted. The girl taunts him, saying today he’s going to lose to a woman.
Eventually its clear the guy is struggling more than her. He looks worse and worse as he tries desperately to resist orgasming. As the girl notices this, she taunts him more and gains the upper hand. She keeps using her tits as a distraction too. His hand falls away from her crotch and he just stays in place on his knees as she keeps rubbing. In a daze, he desperately begs her for mercy, and not to defeat him. But she says this is what he deserves.
She Dominates Him
He lets out a humiliating orgasm and clutches his groin in embarrassment. She smiles and puts her hands on her hips, standing tall on her knees while he’s hunched over, cowering. With one finger, she effortlessly pushes on his chest and he falls back like a chopped down tree, lying spread eagle. She gets to her feet and does a few victory poses as he weeps. She rubs in the fact that the whole world just watched her destroy him and then crushes his groin with her foot as he passes out from the pain. Then a few more victory poses.
He doesn’t have to actually orgasm. It can be faked and acted.
If that all sounds okay, can you please let me know what models you have available in the near future and how much something like this would cost? I don’t think it would even run 10 minutes. Maybe just 5. It’d be great if they guy was a little more physically intimidating than the girl, like more muscular, but let me know who you have that you think would work for this and the price. Thanks!!
The male would ideally look somewhat in shape, not just bigger. The idea is that she’s going head-to-head against a real champion and needs to overcome him.